Plain Hunt is the simplest of change ringing methods and will possibly be the first method a pupil will be asked to ring. It is an important stepping stone to the more complex methods. In lots of other methods the treble plain hunts. In some of the simpler methods like Plain Bob or Grandsire, the working bells hunt when they are not dodging.
In Plain Hunt, the working bells change places at every hand and back stroke. They all do the same pattern of work although they start at different places along the pattern. To make it easier for the pupil, the tutor will select a version of Plain Hunt with a covering tenor. The covering tenor does not take part in the hunt, but rings last on every row of changes. This is helpful because whenever you come to lead, it will be the tenor you follow at the opposite stroke. When ringing Plain Hunt without a covering tenor, you have to find two bells to lead from, one at handstroke and another at backstroke.
Getting Started: Your Tutor's Preferences
Many tutors insist their pupil start learning Plain Hunt by counting their places. I personally think this is most unhelpful as the pupil at this stage of their career is unlikely to understand the concept of places and possibly can't hear their bell amongst the constant changes. Therefore I recommend to start by learning which bells you follow in the sequence. For the treble with 5 working bells, its 2,4,5,3,2,4,5,3,Lead,Lead. Learning the sequence helps discover ropesight too. Having said this, learning Plain Hunt or any method by this means is not going to allow you to progress. As soon as possible - right from the start if you can - learn and count your places too. To prevent confusion think of the places as seconds, thirds, fourth and bells as two, three, four. So recite to yourself, second place after two; third place after four. . . .
Reiterating this point, by remembering the bells to follow you can quickly learn to ring Plain Hunt, but this technique alone won't tell you how fast or slow to ring and certainly won't help you progress, so count the places too.
Help from this Website
There are four pages of tables for learning plain hunt on six or eight bells. Select the appropriate one for your tower, if in doubt ask your tutor. These tables contain rows for each bell and show both the bell to follow and your place to count. It is wise to try to learn the work for more than one bell in case you have to move around. Certainly as you gain experience it is wise to move from bell to bell.
Click on the appropriate link, go to the the page and print it out so you can take the instruction with you and study and memorise it while waiting to ring.
As you move from called changes to ringing Plain Hunt it requires you to change the speed of your bell frequently. This is explained in more detail here.