Stedman Doubles

Stedman Doubles

Where do I start?

This diagram shows the order of work in the method. The accompanying table shows the first few changes in the method and whether you are 'Quick' or 'Slow'.
Starting Positions in Stedman Doubles
Circle of Work Bell
Start Quick
or Slow
1 Out to 45 Up
Out Quick
2 Last Whole Turn
Doing the Slow
3 First Half Turn
Doing the Slow
4 Last 45 Down
In Slow
5 Last 45 Up
In Quick

Work at a Single in Stedman Doubles

In Stedman doubles there is no Bob only a Single which only affects the bells in 4&5 Places. This is very different from Stedman at higher stages (Triples, Caters and Cinques) as these have both Bobs and Singles that are called at a different position in the six.
There are subtle differences whether the Single is called in a Quick or Slow six. It is not necessary to worry which type it is, but are described here for completeness. If you have gone out quick and make cats ears because the call came in a slow six, the two places in 4ths between the ears will be over the same bell, but not if you went out slow. In a quick six, the bell making anti-cats ears will notice the bell they made their 45 Up with before the Single, returns after the anti-ears for their 45 Down and acts as a reminder to go in quick.
Note: The Single should be called at the backstroke (the underscored place in the table below), but some conductors wrongly call it a blow later at handstroke as they might in triples.
  Doing this Single called Quick or Slow
Stedman Single First dodge of 4/5 Up
Cat's Ears
Lie in 4ths place, then a last dodge of 45 Down and in
In the same way as you came out
First dodge of 4/5 Down
Anti Cat's Ears
Lie in 5ths place, then a last dodge of 45 Up, do your 45 Down then in
In the same way as you came out