This editor provides the means to modify multiple files by one script file. A very limited command set provides a powerful means of editing text in files. The source files, located in one folder are read then modified by the control file and written to a different folder. The original files are not changed. If SBFE does not produce the desired output content the script is modified and the bulk file editor re-run.
To aid the control file script development a simple editor is built in to SBFE allowing the control file to be tested without saving it. When debug mode is selected only the first source file is used and the output diverted to a window and not written to disk.
All my software uses an installer with a very low overhead making it suitable for user who are relying on dial-up. Many programmers wrongly assume everyone has access to Broadband.
The icon for the installer programs you will be downloading looks like this. The installer is called NSIS and is easy to use by the inexperienced.
To Uninstall go to Control Panel, [Programs and Features]{for Vista users.}
The SBFE is a stand alone piece of software and can be installed without needing any other files from this site. The installer program is called 'bulkeditor.exe' when you have downloaded it the file size is 104 Kilobytes. Once installed this file may be deleted, the 'SBFE' appears on your Start Button Menu in 'Accessories'.